Pray as One Family

Heavenly Father I praise You today for the rain we are about to get to water the ground so new life can spring up for us to witness the renewal that comes after winter.  I praise You for the seasons of life that we go through so that we can learn to live in Your grace and love at different phases of life and share our journey with others along the way. I praise You for family and for friends who have helped make me the person I am today.

Holy Spirit we praise You for the answer to prayer for Mike who came through his surgery on his back after his terrible accident. We praise You that we can come before Your throne united in our petitions and You hear us. I praise You that we can not only talk to You but that You listen intently to us and still make the decision of what is best for our lives even when I don’t understand why.  

Holy Spirit in this time of division within our country and our world, I ask that You help all the churches to become united in prayer for our nation, for our leaders, for the health of our country.  Help us to put personal differences aside and pray with a united brother and sisterhood of mercy, grace and a cry for Your justice.  Help us to stand in the gap for the righteous, for the defenseless, for the widows, the orphans, the homeless, the lost, the persecuted, the incarcerated, the unemployed, for the farmers who supply our food.  Help us to stand together and understand that we are one nation under God and that is more important than anything else.  Help us to be wise in what we say, how we work, how we act towards others and our families.  Help us to demonstrate Your forgiving love, grace, mercy and hope for all to come to Your kingdom and become adopted.  Teach us that You are in control and that we need to be obedient to Your word which requires us to know Your word.  Help us to be fervent in prayer and use that as our greatest weapon against all that is wrong in our land. Help us not to see color or differences of culture but see blood washed brothers and sisters as well as those who do not know You yet.  Help us to be like the church in Acts that when they gathered together and prayed in unity the whole place was shaken.  Help our worship to be so authentic that we become like Paul and Silas and watch all the shackles the world tries to put on us break off.  Help us to be like Joseph and be discerning enough to help prepare our world for lean times so that they can find saving grace in the time of desperation. 

Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable to You, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen!!!   (Psa. 19:14)