Part 3: the Gift of Faith

fsithHeavenly Father I praise You for people who demonstrate joy in their hearts and always have the hope of what You will do next. I praise You for the example of Caleb in the Bible for he had a pure faith that went beyond and against the norm. He did not hesitate to trust You could do the impossible and because of this faith he would witness it firsthand. I praise You for Paul and Peter who, once filled with Your Spirit did not hesitate to claim Your power and believe in You. Peter was the only disciple to step out of the boat and walk on water to You. He also was able to go against social norms and go to Cornelius’s house to explain salvation and sanctification to the whole household. Paul, once he was converted, would sing while imprisoned, stand up to the arena of people to tell them about You as the one true God and to work while serving You so that he would have no needs from the parishioners. 

Holy Spirit help those who have the gift of faith. Help them to be the example of believing so strongly in You that they live beyond man’s logic. That they are willing to place their reputations on the line to tell what You can and will do. Let us learn from the people who have this gift so that we can be so consumed with the hope and trust that You can and will do impossible things in our lives. Let us listen to people of faith for they see life with eyes that know You will do whatever we need to accomplish Your will. 

Holy Spirit help us not to fight against people of faith as the other people did when they spoke against Caleb and it cost them more years in the wilderness. Let us discern with our spirit through Your Spirit to know what they say is true and that we should believe as they do and pray as they do to see You in action. Let them teach us a faith that can literally defeat the giants in our lives, move the mountains in our way and to claim the promises from Your word. Let Your glory be shown through the people of faith and all those who will stand with them when the time comes. In Jesus’ name, amen.