Part 1: The Gift of Wisdom

Heavenly Father I praise You today that You made each one of us unique. That You give each of us spiritual gifts, ministries and ways to apply them in life tied to our personalities and experiences. I realize that maturity may blend more gifts together in our life or broaden our ministry but we all start with at least one when we accept salvation and You into our hearts. I praise You for giving Paul the inspiration and wisdom to write about these in his letter to the Corinthians so that we could learn also. 

Holy Spirit, help me to glean understanding from the Paul’s letter to the Corinthians when he wrote, “ There are various gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. There are various operations, but it is the same God who operates all of them in all people. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone for the common good. To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom.” [1Cor. 12:4-8] Holy Spirit I ask that You bless the people who have this gift. 

Holy Spirit help the people who have the gift of wisdom to be able to delve deep into Your word, listen to Your spirit and be able to explain to all the mysteries, truth and examples from Your word. Help them to be able to express to all who will listen the deepest meaning of Your love and the desire to have a relationship with us. Help them to find new ways to spark interest in younger generations to dig deeper and know You better. Help them to use the tools of our day to generate information of how to serve You better from the richness of Your word. Let them be clear and articulate in how they teach us to begin to learn Your wisdom and trust it more than the world’s wisdom.

Holy Spirit help me as I tackle each of the gifts mentioned in Corinthians so that I can bring understanding to people and help them to pray in a way that they will grow in their gift and seek to minister to others in their abilities. Help me to pray boldness into people to accept their gift and grow it within by seeking out Your Spirit and searching Your word. I appreciate those who have the gift of wisdom for they give us the insight to knowing You. In Jesus’ name, amen.