Wise Men Sought Him Why Don’t You

Heavenly Father I praise You for helping us learn how to take care of each other. I praise You for the medicine and doctor trainings that have improved over the years over so that we can live longer to serve You. I praise You for the victory over death so that this is not it. I praise You for coming as a human into this world so You would understand what we face and then You would be a more understanding advocate for us. 

Holy Spirit Matthew recorded, “wise men came from the east to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who was born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him.” Heavenly Father I want to be like the wise men seeking You. Holy Spirit I find it ironic that the wise men and then later in life Pilot both called Christ the King of the Jews, yet his own people were to blind, to stubborn, to set in their ways to make that claim. Help me to always claim You as my king. 

Holy Spirit help me to always be ready to explain who You are to me, but also never let me bully people to believe because this never really works. Help me to live a life that will make others question me about what is different. Let me live so that I reflect Your love, be filled with Your Spirit so that I am wise and choose my words with care. 

In this season, instead of arguing or pushing an agenda help us to demonstrate love, and begin healing in our land. Help us to turn to You and stand in the gap for others so that our Country can right itself and once again serve You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.wise