Whose Family Do You Belong To?

Heavenly Father I praise You for allowing me the ability to put prayers out to help others communicate to You. I enjoy praying for people and then hearing about answered prayer. I enjoy that so many join me in prayer.  I know not everyone can every day but when you spread it out over a month I am very proud of all the people who are willing to take a few minutes and unite in prayer with me, someone who is not famous, not a pastor, not a theologian, just a GED teacher in a state prison. 

I am led by the Spirit of God, so I can make the claim of being a child of God. I have not received the spirit of slavery again to fear. I have received the Spirit of adoption, by whom I cry “Abba, Father.”  You the Holy Spirit bears witness with my spirit  that I really am a child of God, and since I am, I am also an heir of God and joint-heir with Christ, since I suffer with Him, that I may be glorified with Him.  I realize that I have this adoption because of Christ’s death and resurrection, and I do not take lightly my responsibility as a child of God.  Holy Spirit continue to remind me each day as I present myself a living sacrifice and renew my mind with scripture, prayer and the filling of Your presence that I am following the example of Christ.  [Romans 8:14-17]

Holy Spirit I pray protection over every person who chooses to pray with me.  I pray that we be united in Spirit and tune our hearts into Your voice and promptings so that we all can serve as part of the body of Christ.  Help me to pray with Your leading so that I stay within the will of God, this way I know not only will he hear me but will answer our prayers.  Help me to have faith behind my prayers that nothing is impossible for You.  I know You may not always give the answer I want to hear but I also trust You enough that You love me enough to give only what is helpful and productive to my walk in life.  I also know I will always face trials and tribulations here on the earth so help me to be like Caleb and look for You instead of defeat like the others of Caleb’s time.  Help me to be friends like Caleb was to Joshua so that I can see them become leaders to step up and serve You in higher capacities.  Help me to have my own witness but humble enough to serve the Joshua’s of my time. 

Holy Spirit check my motives, desires, and thoughts so that I am clean and ready to enter into Your presence and make requests throughout the day. Help me to not only pray but be willing to be a doer of Your word.  Help me to never forget the least of these.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.