Heavenly Father I praise You for creating us with the ability to think, learn, and grow. I praise You for instilling in us a moral compass that must grow with us over time. I praise You for Your word and promises that give me hope and build my faith daily. Help me this morning and through the day to take command of it and shake the evil from it.
Holy Spirit You inspired the writer of Hebrews to write: So God, wanting to show more abundantly the immutability of His counsel to the heirs of the promise, confirmed it by an oath. So that by two immutable things, in which God couldn't lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. We have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, which enters the Inner place behind the veil. This is where Jesus has entered for us as a forerunner since He has become the everlasting High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. [Hebrews 6:17-20] I know that some scoff and say hope is like a placebo, but in this case, it goes well beyond that. Hope is what helps my faith stand strong when
I face things beyond the normal and still believe and still live even if it is just taking one step at a time. That hope and faith that anchors who I am is the only thing that has stood by me since finding Philip dead in my office 5 years ago. I still struggle on many days but the hope that is within me that there is an eternity, God is there and that I will have a chance to see Philip again is all some days I have to hang onto.
I will sanctify the Lord God in my heart, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks me a reason for the hope that is in me, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when the world tries to defame my reputation as an evildoer, they will be shamed because of my good conduct in Christ. I realize that the end of all things is near so I will be clear-minded and self-controlled so that I can pray. Above all, we need to love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. I will do my best to offer hospitality to others without grumbling. Each of us should use whatever gift we have received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
When I speak, I will try to do it with the mindset that I am to attempt to speak words that the Holy Spirit gives me to say. When I do serve, I will do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen. [1Peter 3:15&16; 1 Peter 4:7-11, plus my paraphrazing]