The Spark of Life

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.  He will not let your foot slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.” I praise You Lord that You never sleep, never forget and never quit on me.  I praise You for having my life and my heart in the palm of Your hand.  I praise You for being with me, in me and flowing through me.  I praise You for the reassurance of Your presence by my side when I face the day.  [Psalms 121:1-3]

Holy Spirit help me to improve my understanding of the significance of why Christ came to earth.  Help me to appreciate that Christ, the word, was before time existed, was before any creation existed, was part of the creation process and still exists and will exist for all times.  Let me always appreciate the sacrifice Christ made to leave His throne to come to earth, to go through the whole process of being born in average family, with average means to live an average life until His ministry would start.  This way as our advocate He would fully appreciate all the temptations and struggles we face and how we feel.  [John 1:1-3]

Christ Your word which John was inspired to write tell us that You were, are and will always be the light of men.  You are the initiator that gives us the spark of what is known as life.  You knew us before we were created, and You have always had plans for us to achieve.  Help me to die out daily as a living sacrifice to be successful at accomplishing the plans You have for me.  Help me to hold Your light in my life and to let it shine out to others who have only known the darkness.  Help me to be so focused on You that I will always understand that it is You working through me, not anything I have ever done on my own.  Help me to exude Your light so people can see hope, joy, peace from serving You, the way, the light and the path.  Let people see through me that You are the only way to God and to salvation and joy.  Let me live my life so that all can see I am not perfect, but that I am forgiven..

Let Your light shine within me so that the whole world sees, In Jesus’ name, amen.