The Lord of the Harvest

Heavenly Father I praise You giving me the gift of salvation when I was sixteen. I praise You that even though my father and grandfather were pastors I had to make this decision on my own and own it the rest of my life. I praise You for teaching me the wisdom of the Bible, the wonders of Your creation, and the blessing of a wife, children and grandchildren. I praise You that although life has never been easy there has always been hope. I praise You for the love from my family and from my close friends. 

Holy Spirit teach me as I read what Christ said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Just as Christ was speaking to His disciples that day, I believe He is speaking to us now. We live in a time of desperation when chaos is rampant and churches are struggling to exist. Help me to be faithful to come to You in prayer and seek You to supply laborers who are willing to work hard to help bring in the harvest of souls who are lost and need to be brought in before the day of judgment. 

Holy Spirit help me to be faithful to not only pray but to do my share as a laborer and witness to the people around me so they can see You in my life. Help me to be a living sacrifice daily so that Your good and perfect will can be accomplished. Help me to renew my mind in a way that will allow me to see the need and harvest around me. Let me be the light on a hill that can’t be turned off. Let the words I use be full of Your Spirit so that You can breathe love and grace onto them through me. Fill my whole being so that I can be poured out and then replenished by You so that others can be led by Your Spirit to seek salvation. 

Holy Spirit let me believe Christ’s words and apply them to my life when he said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. [John 14:12-14] Jesus I ask that You help me to not only pray for laborers but to be one too. Help me to bear witness of You and Your offer of salvation. Allow the Holy Spirit to breathe and speak through me to convict people’s hearts so that they make a choice to know You. Help me to pray with conviction for the healing of people and to pray for power to our churches to be bold and go out into their communities and demonstrate Your love by working along side their neighbors demonstrating the applications of Your principles in how they work and live. In Jesus’ name, amen.