Do You Carry the Kingdom in You?

Heavenly Father I praise You for all You have accomplished through my life. I praise You allowing my prayers to become books to help others learn how to pray Your word back to You. I praise You for aligning me with Jacquetta so that not only do my books get published but I have a website for people to see Your word in action also. I understand that I am nothing without You, and that I can only pray as the Holy Spirit leads me to pray. I praise You for the faithfulness of others to pray along side me and their faith to see You do what is impossible for us to accomplish on our own.

Holy Spirit help me grab the significance of what Christ was telling the Pharisees when they asked when the kingdom of God would come. “The kingdom of God does not come by observation. Nor will they say, ‘Here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’ For remember, the kingdom of God is within you.” [Luke 17:20&21] I pray that You will build Your kingdom within me so that I can go out and help build Your kingdom in my community. Let this living temple be clean, pure and active in serving Your purpose. Help me to be the light on the hill so that all can see and be saved by Your salvation through the light You shine through me. 

Holy Spirit let me be so sold out to Your desires that I am no longer tempted by my foolish desires. Help me to be so sold out that I am like a horse with blinders who can only look ahead so that I bear my burden and reach my destination. Help me to so sold out that I can be bold like the apostles, wise with my words which are given by the Holy Spirit and to have a faith that is unshakable. Let me find grace in Your eyes as Noah did, help me to find faithfulness in Your eyes as Joseph did; let me find patience in Your eyes as Job did; let me be the apple of Your eye like David; teach me to be bold in my faith as Paul was; let me be as honest enough to accept that I may make mistakes but that I will continue to follow as Peter did; and let me be tender enough to resonate in Your love that I will stand no matter what man does to me like Stephen and John. 

Direct my heart into Your love and the patience of Christ. Let the words I use, the things I think and focus on, be acceptable to You so that I can honor You as my strength and my redeemer. In Jesus’ name, amen.