Praise and Growth

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples. Sing unto Him, sing praises unto Him; proclaim all His wondrous works. Glory in His holy name; let the heart rejoice for those who seek the Lord. Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continuously. Remember His marvelous works that He has done; His wonders and the judgments from His mouth. [Psa. 105:1-5]

Heavenly Father I praise You for life and for all of Your creation. I daily call upon Your name to sustain me and help me through my day. I try to live my life so that I tell other of who You are and live in a way that will demonstrate that You live with in me. Jesus I praise You for coming to earth an living among us and facing all that we face in life and then sacrificing Yourself on the cross so that my sins could be paid for. I willingly and fully accept Your gift of salvation and I try to live my life by Your example the best I can. Holy Spirit I praise You for walking with me daily and prompting my heart with wisdom and protection. I praise You for being the guard rails on my journey so that I do not fall off into sin or oblivion. I seek for Your presence and wisdom each day when I wake up until I lay my head down to go to sleep. 

Holy Spirit help me to be witness of Your wonders and of Your gift of salvation. Help me to live a life that bears witness to You without my saying a word. Help me as I lead people in prayers that my prayers will be what You desire from me and will be what needs to be asked at the appropriate time. Help me to find new ways to pray for pastors, church teams, churches, lay people and all of the email prayer team that joins me daily so that I can lift them up, encourage them and pray protection around them. Help me to pray in a way that Your glory will be demonstrated here on the earth. Help to never take credit for what You do or have done. Just let me be faithful to what I am trained to be. Let me use Your word to remind You of Your promises and love towards us. Help me to continue to lift up the sick like little Trinity, or the young adult Kayla, or the ones with cancer like Jim and Rob. Help me to remember others who need Your healing touch. Help me to pray for the restoration of families and the healing of people towards each other. Help me to continue to pray for unity among churches and within churches. Help me to pray for a new way for all believers regardless of race, ethnicity, or what country they are from to unite into one body that supports, loves and works together for a God fearing world. Help me to pray for true justice not man’s concept of laws and fairness. Help me to learn to love my brothers and sisters no matter how different they are from me. 

Thank You for being our God and for loving us enough to make a way for us to communicate daily with You. In Jesus’