My Purpose in Life

Heavenly Father I praise You for all the ways You have shown Yourself to us. How You created the world, the universe and man and woman. I praise You for the prophets of old who spoke on Your behalf and how Christ came and lived here for 33 years to demonstrate how to live and to be the bridge that would reconnect us to You. I praise You for the Bible, testimonies and for the Holy Spirit all witnesses to the person I am. 

Holy Spirit my goal in life is and has been to fulfill my purpose for existing. In the writing that You inspired in Mark, it says, “The scribe said to Him, ‘Well said, Teacher. You have spoken truth, that there is one God and there is no other but Him. To love Him with all your heart, and with all your understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, is more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.’ When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, He said to him, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God.’” [Mark 12:32&33] I pray that I will be able to sustain throughout my life to love You with all my heart, to put my trust in You and to love with all the understanding I am capable of, love fully with my soul and give all my strength to my love for You to all people You bring into my life. Help my love to be sincere, honest, truthful and motivated with honoring the one paid the price for my sins. Let my love be simple, pure and helpful. Let me sacrifice daily to myself and serve You and others fully. Let me love my family with this same love so that they all can be saved too. Let my love demonstrate Your mercy, grace and salvation. Let my love push for justice and liberty of all people so that they can openly, honestly and freely serve and get to know You. Help me to love those who are unlovable, the down trodden, the poor, the sick, those who are in prison, all who are considered the least in society. Help me to take care of the widow and the orphan whenever I have an opportunity and resources to do so. 

I praise You above all that my purpose is clear I am to love as You have loved, and to live my life fully for You. Help me to walk in Your presence with the sincerity of loving as You have loved. Teach me to be better in my acknowledgement of people and to never lift myself up above people but to have a servants heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.  purpose