Owning the Day

This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. I thank You that you have answered me and have become my salvation. [Psa. 118:24,21 ESV] I praise You when I rise up in the morning and when I lay down to go to sleep.  I am not only learning to be thankful for what You have done for me but also for what You have not done to protect me.  I thank You for all the lessons no matter how hard or deeply they affected me because they have made me learn to depend completely on You.  

Holy Spirit I have repeatedly referred to Romans 12:1&2 as a standard to live my life by.  The deepest point it makes to me is that each day I need to choose to be a living sacrifice and renew my mind so that I can own the day and serve You to the very best of my ability and gifts.  James told us to be doers of the word and not listeners only.  Help me to apply Your principles, truths, promises and wisdom to my life each day I draw breathe.  Help me to breathe in Your Spirit, wisdom, love, compassion, grace and discernment so that I can restore my whole being with You as the central part.  Help me to breathe out on others the hope that is within me and to be the living example or sacrifice needed to build Your kingdom and allow Your Spirit to do its work through me to others. 

Holy Spirit I pray with faith and confidence because I know I am more than a conqueror and that in the end You prevail.  I have a hard time understanding with my human brain confined to time how You have already prevailed and yet it is coming soon according to Revelations.  I know that You the creator of all things lives outside of time and space.  I also know You are a God who is very involved in what we do every minute of our life.  I understand that the Holy Spirit walks with me, lives in me and prompts me on what is right but I have to decide to do it for You gave me free will.  Help me to live by the mantra of Romans 6 and to not live in sin anymore.  Help me to make wise decisions and avoid anything that separates me from being in the center of Your will. 

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart always be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.  Amen  [Psa19:14]   day 
