Heavenly Father I praise You for the life You have given me even when I have had times of despair. I praise You for allowing me to grow up in a small church and be witness to many saints who could pray heaven to earth. I praise You for all the people You have brought into my life that have given me instruction and wisdom. I praise You for the tests that have put me through the fire so that I can be refined in my faith.
Holy Spirit I pray a blessing over my children and my grandchildren. Help me to cherish their lives while they walk this earth. Lead them with wisdom and discernment and help them to be honoring to You. I pray You will bless my wife giving her health and joy. Bless my family so that they will know who You are in their lives and be filled with Your Spirit and understand they possess the power of Your Spirit, the love of Your Spirit and the grace of Your Spirit. Give them the faith like Caleb and Joshua to believe that You truly can do all things as long as they put their full life and faith into Your hands.
Holy Spirit help me to teach others how to pray and claim many of the promises You have given us in Your word. Let me demonstrate how to listen to Your voice and promptings so that I pray with Your will in mind. Help the churches I pray over learn to be houses of prayer so they can demonstrate great power in changing the world around them. Help me to speak from a heart broken and full of Your love. Help me to live as living sacrifice for You daily. Help me to go where I am needed to fulfill Your will. Help me to write what is needed to be recorded for others now and future generations. Help me to learn the new ways of communication so that I can reach beyond my small sphere of influence. Help me to stand and give account of my faith in You to whomever You put me in front of.
Let me be a living temple where Your Spirit can reside and grow within me. Help me to present a life that demonstrates You at all times. Help to control my anger and my attitude so that I do not become a stumbling block or a person full of pride. Let Your will be done in my life and that of my family. Help us to continue to walk forward and cherish the time we had with Philip but also cherish the time we currently have with each other. In Jesus’ name, Amen.