Gifts are Given to Demonstrate Love and Understanding

Heavenly Father I praise You for sending Your Son to earth to live among us, be an example for us, to understand us, and to sacrifice for our lives so that we could become Your children once more since the fall of Adam. I praise You for Christ sending the Holy Spirit to live with us now while we await His return.

Holy Spirit Proverbs tells us that no great love has any person than to lay down their life for another. John tells us that You loved the world so much that You allowed Your son to become human and to die on the cross for our sins. Paul tells us that through faith and the acceptance of salvation we are now under the umbrella of the promise made to Abraham to be Your children. The writer in Hebrew tells us that You are our high priest and our advocate praying for us continually and that we can enter Your throne room where You sit at the right hand of the Father, through the Holy Spirit, and lay our petitions at Your feet. Revelations tell us that our prayers are the incense that You breathe in and enjoy. Paul tells us that we are to be living sacrifices and to renew our minds daily so that we can do Your will. Help us to listen with our hearts, absorb with our minds, and redirect our wills to do all that we have been taught by all these who have written the letter we call the Bible to us. Let Your will be done here on the earth as it is in heaven. Amen.