Blessed for Being Hungry and Thirsty

(The Beatitudes)

Heavenly Father I praise You for creating in me desires that will, when filled by You, satisfy my soul.  I praise You for teaching me what You desire so that I can work towards having those desires too.  Heavenly Father I praise You for teaching us to remember our human desires that You put in us that sustain us also.  Proverbs 5:18&19 says, “ Let Your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. Let her be as the loving deer and pleasant doe; let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and always be enraptured with her love.  I praise You for understanding our humanness while seeking to make us holy.

Holy Spirit I continue with learning from Christ’s sermon when he said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” I have had a hunger for Your word and wisdom since I gave my life to You in June of 1982.  I have thirsted for righteousness and the Holy Spirit to continually fill me so that I could pour out to others Your love, forgiveness, and grace.  I desire the water in my inner being that You told the Samaritan woman at the well about.  I desire for the very core of my being to be continually being watered and fed so that I can grow and be fruitful.  

Your word tells us that a person speaks often from the well spring that is within them, let my well spring be pure and clean offering life to those who are thirsty or dying.  Help me to understand and keep within me what Christ told Satan when tempted that we do not live by bread alone but by the word of God. Let Your words encourage and sustain my soul in anything I face in life.  Help my prayers, especially the prayers I write and send out in emails or on the web site to be prayers that give the bread of life and promises for all to grasp and hold onto.

Holy Spirit I have traveled through a very dry and arid time in my life with all that happen last year and all that is still happening to me and my family, I find myself coming back to the fountain of living water and desiring the manna of Your word to rebuild my faith and make me strong once again. Help me to be a beacon of light to those who have been devastated as deeply as I have been.  Help me to admit to my depression but not be consumed by it. Help me to teach others to claim Your promises through prayer so that they too can live above depression. 

Holy Spirit help me to continually give my life as a living sacrifice to You so that I can learn Your good and perfect will. [Rom. 12:1] This will be the only way that I can humbly enter Your throne room and claim Your promises before Christ and like the Wall Watchers during Israel’s kingdom years pray for protection for my family, my country, for Israel and remind You of Your promises that are all throughout the Bible. Let my words, the intent of my heart, my actions, and what I focus on be acceptable to You daily so that I can fully rejoice in all that You have for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.