Why Did He Come?

Heavenly Father I praise You for this time of year, because it reminds us of Your love for us. It reminds us that You are willing to go out of Your way to reach us. I praise You for the salvation that came to earth as a babe in a manger that would grow and live among us, then die for our sins, go to hell to get the keys and defeat death, then rise again in three days to demonstrate Your resurrecting power and provide hope for all of us that this world is not our home or final destination. 

Holy Spirit, Your scripture tells us that Christ came to this world to heal the sick and lame, teach us about heaven and the Father’s business, show mercy and love to the downtrodden, the sinners, the least of these. He came into the world to be a light in a very dark and sinful world. To provide a way to salvation, to die for our sins, to conquer death, to become our advocate to the Father and to prepare the way for the Holy Spirit to come and commune with us. Christ came to be an example for us and to change the order of man by fulfilling the law, not abolishing it. He created a new way to live for God and restored our communication with God. He opened a way for us to participate in building His Kingdom here on earth and in heaven. He started an adoption process where we could become his children.

Holy Spirit when I witness the recreation of the manger scene remind me that Christ came to be the everything we need savior for us, in the flesh for 33 years and now sitting on the throne at the right hand of the Father. Help me to always listen for Your voice as You tell me things that Jesus wants me to hear or now. Thank You for being my Savior. Amen.manger