This is Where Faith Must Step In

Heavenly Father I praise You for having a plan for all of us and for the world as a whole. I praise You that You are Omniscient, meaning You can be in and out of time as we know it at the same time. This way You can be personable to us now but also be overseeing all of time and what is past that point.

Holy Spirit as we near the time that we have dedicated to celebrating the birth of Christ help me to comprehend just how miraculous all this had to be in order for Salvation to come for us. Help me to realize that even in the birth of Christ You continue to involve us. You chose Mary as a virgin to impregnate with Christ. You chose Joseph to marry Mary and to be the wisest of men to rear Your son as a human. You chose John to be the forerunner. You brought people into Christ’s life all through his journey here on the earth. From people like the woman at the well, the young ruler, the Roman Soldier’s request for life for a child, to a desperate father, to the disciples to even the Roman representative, Pontius Pilot.

I think we forget just how much You want us to share in all that You have planned. It makes me realize that when we get to heaven there will be so much more to do and be involved in. I am so sorry for not following the plan at times in life. Help me to be better about allowing Your Spirit to work through me to fulfill my part of the plan.

As this year is getting closer to being finished and we start looking to the new. Let us remember that there is hope, because of the miracle of Your son coming to earth as a baby and growing into a man who did not sin and died on the cross for our sins, and rose again three days later to open the way for life in eternity if we only accept, believe and follow. Amen.