Seeking Peace, Renewing My Joy

Heavenly Father I praise You for loving me when I am unlovable. Caring about me when I don’t care about anything. Standing by me when I am so depressed all I can do is lay down. Filling me with Your Spirit and speaking through me when I don’t have any idea what to say to people in need of spiritual enlightenment. Giving me life sustaining water when I thirst for more of You. Feeding me with Your word when I am starved for wisdom and understanding. 

Holy Spirit I seek peace today. I seek a rest from the constant bickering of our land. I am so tired of the gotcha goal of every political person out there. I seek a peace that can only come from You. A peace that stabilizes my thoughts and helps me to serve You with a renewed mind. I seek the peace that comes from the knowledge that this too will pass and I have a home that when I get there I will never have to face depression, death, grief, heartache again. 

Holy Spirit I seek to have my joy renewed. In recent years I have become so discouraged at this time of year because I find no joy anymore in the simple pleasures of family, dinners, presents and the pure joy of children. I especially have found it hard this last year and this one after losing my son. I realize my joy is not just a fleeting mere happiness, but a foundation of my hope that is in You. Help me to claim my joy for as Nehemiah put it, it is my strength. 

Holy Spirit I desire to have wisdom and discernment so that I can navigate the next few years of my life. I desire to do Your will, and want to use my gifts completely for You. I desire to tell others about how to pray scriptures I will allow You to open the doors. I desire to tell others of continuing the fight and continuing the journey until we reach home. I desire to know Your will so that I can stay in the center of it and find the peace from being assured I am who You made me to be.

Holy Spirit show me the path I must walk, help me hear clearly and understand Your words and promptings. Give me wisdom when I am doing Your will so that I speak clearly and with Your anointing so others can learn more of the God I serve. Help me to forgive and to demonstrate love and grace so that I can know I am Yours and others will also. In all things we praise and honor the name of Jesus, our Lord and King. Amen.