Prayer for Kayla

Heavenly Father I praise You for allowing me and the people who pray with me to pray for healing over people like Kayla. I praise You for this young adult woman who has endured so much physical pain and medical problems. She still testifies of Your love for her, even though she has faced long periods of passing out, extreme times of pain, many parts of her body failing to work properly and countless doctor and specialist visits trying to figure out how to get a handle on all the things going wrong with her. 

Holy Spirit we come united before You to pray for Kayla. Once again, You have opened a door for her to go to The Chicago Cancer Treatment Center of America soon because her Chromogranin A level is so high, which is a protein released by tumors. We ask that they can find what is going on with her and help her or we pray for a miracle and that she would be completely healed. We know nothing is impossible with You and that if it is Your will, that You can heal Kayla now instead of when she reaches heaven. 

Holy Spirit we pray for not only Kayla’s healing but that You would continue to strengthen her testimony to others her age. We pray that You would use Kayla to speak to many people and encourage them to serve no matter how bad life is going for them, because she can explain all she has been through. We ask for a miracle so that people can witness the glory and power of who You are and what You can do that defies all that man can do. We ask so that Kayla can continue to be a living testimony for others. And we ask so that her mother Robin and grandmother Belva can have a little less stress in their lives after all these years. 

I (know Kayla] waits for the Lord, her soul waits, And in His word Kayla has hope. Kayla’s soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning—yes, more than those who watch for the morning, even there your hand will guide Kayla, your right hand will hold Kayla fast. Let the morning bring Kayla word of your unfailing love, for she has put her trust in you. Show Kayla the way she should go, for to you she lifts up her soul. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy. [Psalms 130:5&6, Psalms 139:10; Psalms 143:8; Psalms 145:13; Psalms 145:18; Psalm 147:11] In the Precious Name of Jesus do we bring this petition to You in the throne room and leave it at Your feet to respond to. Amen, Amen.