Focus On the Who Not the What

Heavenly Father I praise You for being the creator, the one who knew me before I was created in the womb. I praise You for my design, the plans for my life, the purpose You place deep within my heart, the abilities uniquely suited to me. I praise You for the spiritual gifts and ministries You have placed in my life. I praise You for all that in my wife and children also. Jesus I praise You for sacrificing Your time in heaven to come to the earth as a baby, growing up in a difficult time period and facing all the trials we face. I praise You for the example You gave us to follow and for Your sermons to help us get a glimpse of what heaven and the Father are like. I praise You for Your sacrifice on the cross to bear our sins so we could have salvation, and for You claiming the keys from hell and then rising again to show us resurrection power and hope. Holy Spirit I praise You for being the go between for us to Jesus our advocate and King. I praise You for Your continued presence in my life and for the comfort and prodding that moves me along. I praise You for helping me gain wisdom.

Holy Spirit Paul wrote to us in Philippians that we are to rejoice in all things. I understand that he wrote this from prison in Rome and he had been beaten and imprisoned in Philippi before. He and Silas had started praising You and worshiping You until the jail shook and the shackles fell off. They were able to witness and help the jailer and his family learn and accept salvation. Paul set the example that I need to learn in my heart. Instead of focusing of the what that is in my life, I need to focus and give thanks and rejoice for the who that is in my life. I need to put all my trust in Jesus and take my hands off my circumstances. Help me to realize that I serve a God who has already assured me that heaven awaits me when I leave this earth. He has assured me that he walks with me daily and will never forsake me. I need to never forsake Him. 

Holy Spirit help me to learn to rejoice always, help me to give You all the glory instead of being anxious or worried. Help me not to be controlled by my circumstances but instead keep my focus on my walk with You. Help me to learn to worship and rejoice in all areas of my life. Help me to hang onto the promises and hope You have given us. Help me to see You and Your kingdom even when I grieve my son or others who have passed on. Help me to learn to be the son You desire and to desire what You desire so that I can grow in stature and maturity of my walk with You. 

So, I will rejoice, again and again, that I am Yours and that You are always with me and the I have an advocate in heaven who prays and sings over me daily. Help me to praise and sing to You each day and face all challenges with You walking beside me. Let me lay my burdens on You so that I can run my race properly and boldly. Let my faith be strong so that my trust is strong, this way I will continue to look to You instead of what is happening to me in life. Thank You Jesus, amen.