A Christmas Prayer

Heavenly Father we praise You for getting us through this year. We praise You for the birth of Your Son here on earth to become the way. We praise You for creating us with a purpose and breathing life into us. We praise You for the peace You bring to our hearts.

Jesus, we celebrate this time of Your birth even though we do not know the specific day. We celebrate that You would lower Yourself to come live among us facing all temptations and trials we face. We praise You for being the final sacrifice for our sins by dying on the cross. We praise You for the hope You renewed in us when You were resurrected three days later. We praise You for being our advocate and high priest. We praise You for singing and praying over us and for listening to our requests.

Holy Spirit we praise You for coming to be with us and to tell us whatever words Christ has for us. We praise You for providing wisdom when needed or desired and for speaking through us when appropriate. We praise You for filling us with Your Spirit and showing us the way to live each day. We praise You for helping us to discern the environment around us and when people are truly in need. We praise You for helping us fulfill our purpose in life. 

Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, help us to remember the why and not quibble about the when. Lead us to be like the star of Christ and be a light that leads people to You. Help us to be in tune with Your Spirit this season and bring as much peace to this chaotic world as we can. Help us to teach and demonstrate with our lives how to truly give of ourselves and to be more concerned with where we are going than where we are now. Help us to be like the wise men and be aware of Your will and ready to bring honor to You no matter the cost. We pray for health and peace for our families on the day we celebrate Christmas. Let us never forget why You came. Amen.